Camden Environmental Riverfront Park

City of Camden
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The closure of a wastewater lagoon along the Wateree River opened a conservation and recreation opportunity for the City of Camden

Rather than simply filling in the site, city leaders chose to opportunity for the City of Camden. The park provides a place for wildlife habitat, environmental education, and outdoor recreation opportunities. The park is 26 acres and features a half mile meandering waterway, which hosts fish and improves birding, waterfowl, and wildlife habitats. Around the waterway, a mile long walking trail links the park to the Kershaw County Bicycle, Pedestrian Greenway.

Camden Environmental Riverfront Park
Camden Environmental Riverfront Park

The park features historical agricultural demonstration areas (rice and indigo), and a riverfront canoe and kayak launch. With a project cost of $1.4 million, the park was a less expensive option for the site than the estimated $3 million cost of filling the lagoon. This project was the recipient of the 2020 SC Municipal Association Achievement Award for Public Works and the SCASLA Award for Merit. KBS was the prime consultant responsible for all design, permitting (US Army Corps of Engineers and SCDHEC Land disturbance Permit) bidding and construction administration. The project was partially funded with state and federal grants; $500,000 Land Water Conservation Fund and $100,000 South Carolina DNR.


Services Provided

SC Municipal Association Award: 2020 Municipal Association Achievement Award for Public Works

SC American Society of Landscape Architects Award: Merit Award(202

Prime Consultant

Master Planning

Cost Estimates

Bid Documents

Permitting Process

Construction Administration