Hyatt Place

Columbia, SC

Cox and Dinkins INC.

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KBS was the landscape architect of record and was responsible for conceptual design of exterior spaces, landscape design, irrigation design, hardscape design, site furnishings, cost estimates, and bidding documents.

The Hyatt is located on what was a parking lot between the former Columbia Supply building and DuPre Building in Columbia’s art and entertainment district, the Vista. The hotel is located at the front of the lot facing Gervais Street, with a porte cochere (a drive-up reception area) and a small parking lot along Lady Street.

Hyatt Place
Hyatt Place

The first floor of the building facing Gervais Street is mostly retail space –3,000 square feet –with a walk-in entrance to the hotel. Using the space between a new and existing building, KBS created a courtyard that allowed for outdoor dining, pedestrian circulation, and connections to additional restaurants and commercial areas.


Services Provided

Conceptual Design of Exterior Spaces,

Landscape Design

Irrigation Design

Hardscape Design

Site Furnishings

Cost Estimates

Bid Documents